Sensible insight
for sports
PixelScope combines camera and sensing technology with artificial intelligence and big data technology to provide scientific and analytical insights that enhance the athletic abilities and performance of sports players and teams. Furthermore, data-driven AI analysis from various perspectives assists in deepening the understanding of sports games, making it easier for viewers to comprehend and immerse themselves in the matches.
Our insights go beyond just IT technology. Our real-time, swift, and accurate data will serve as a crucial insight, transforming sports from the traditional realm of subjective and instinctive notions like 'effort' and 'determination' into a scientific and rational domain. Additionally, it will evolve into a visionary insight leading the future sports culture.
Brand Platform
Brand Identity
2022. 07
Brand story
What is
From wearable devices to data analysis to content processing, from fitness to physical and mental management, from managing players' skills to managing fans and generating profits, SportsTech has a variety of technologies and services depending on the perspective. However, its understanding in the sports industry and culture as a whole is not high and not popularized yet.
We redefine
PixelScope proposes more efficient, effective and reasonable sports solutions through the combination of hardware and software, as well as convergence with cutting-edge technologies such as artificial intelligence and big data analysis. In addition, our technology provides a higher level of experience not only for individual players, but also for teams, clubs, and even sports fans. We don't explain what sports technology is. We will show real sports technology with our eyes.
for Better
Sports Experiences
The innovation of the sports system we are talking about does not mean the digitalization of sports through simple IT solutions. We propose and try new ways out of frame and stereotype in a system that encompasses the sports industry as a whole, including sports training and competition, sports media, and sports entertainment. Through this, we will create a new sports culture that everyone can enjoy and enjoy in various ways by converging across boundaries such as elites and amateurs, players and viewers, leagues and media.